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Some awesome and dangerous motorcycle adventures.
Date Posted:
1/24/2014 1:54:55 AM
Posted By: saucer Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 4885
chances of collision and you could
end being badly hurt.
An adventure through a thick forest
• Well riding in a thick forest enjoying nature may not seem like a
bad idea for an adventure but there are unseen circumstances that may
get you unaware.
• The road may be muddy that makes you skid aimlessly losing control
of the bike.
• The road could have deep potholes in which you may get stuck and it
may damage your bike.
• The thick vegetation may encroach on the path you are travelling on
and trap you.
Riding with many passengers and luggage
• It may be a family trip but it is not advisable to have many
passengers on the motorcycle.
• The weight of the extra passengers may affect the performance of the
• You could end up losing control of the bike and crash
An adventure riding in extreme conditions
• Extreme conditions include heavy rain, snow, hail or too much heat.
• Riding in the rain could affect your vision and the road will be
slippery making you skid unnecessarily
• Riding in snow conditions is dangerous because the road surface is
slippery and obstruction on the way.
• Riding in hot conditions will affect the performance of the bike
because; the petrol will heat up and evaporate more, the machinery in
the engines will be affected and the tires will expand abnormally and
may even burst if it has too much pressure.
• Apply for provisional driving license online and learn how you can
avoid these dreadful motorcycle adventures.
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