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BTEP examinations eligibility
Date Posted:
12/20/2010 11:42:57 PM
Posted By: raphael Membership Level: Diamond Total Points: 22922
Conditions for eligibility for business technical education programme (BTEP)
- BTEP examinations are open to all bona-fide residents of Kenya who meet the examination entry requirements as stipulated by the council.
- The examinations are administered to eligible candidates within Kenya by the District Education Officers (DEO) on behalf of KNEC and in conformity with the council regulations for the conduct of public examinations.
- Kenya citizens in other countries may also sit for these examinations in those countries provided:
- The Kenya mission abroad makes a formal application to the KNEC at least six months before the series and year of the examinations and undertakes to make the necessary local arrangements for conducting the examinations.
- A foreign examining body which has formal collaboration with the council undertakes to supervise the examinations under council regulations.
- The candidates meet the:
i) Entry requirements
ii) Expenses of the local administration of the examination in that country of residence
iii) Freight and correspondence expenses incurred by the council on behalf of the candidate
4. The council reserves the right to reject applications from prospective candidates in foreign countries if the requirements under the provision are not fulfilled, including arrangement for course work assessment.
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