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The Natural Way to Improve Your Garden or Lawn


Date Posted: 2/16/2017 1:03:56 AM

Posted By: 4520  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 5251

Having a garden or lawn in your compound should attract you to the exciting activities to maintain and keep improving it. Some people do gardening as a leisure activity while others do it as part of their routine. Apparently, the best moments for all gardeners is when they see the plants they spend most of the time and energy attending to grow luscious and healthy.

Maintaining your garden should be fun, but the challenges you may encounter before you see your plants blossoming in exquisiteness are not for the faint-hearted. While maintaining a lawn may sound like a simple and straightforward affair, you can end up spending a lot of energy, time and money.

In this website, we will aid you to understand the techniques and to decide the most suitable tools needed to make sure you ultimately have a healthier garden in your backyard.

Use a good fertilizer

Using fertilizer is one of the best ways of maintaining your garden and your lawn. As the plants grow, they need elements that would not only make them yield desirable products, but also provide them with vigor. There is two categories of fertilizers, organic and inorganic fertilizer. Many backyard gardeners, especially the novices are usually torn between these two when it comes to choosing the best lawn fertilizer to use.

While choosing the best fertilizer for your garden is a bit tricky, there are three necessary chemical elements: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) that you should check before you decide to buy fertilizer. The type of plant you want to fertilize in your garden determines the chemical content of the fertilizer that you should go for. Note that excessive use of fertilizers may also damage and make your plants to have unhealthy-stunted growth or even worse kill your plants.
On the other hand, scientific

research has shown that organic fertilizer is the most suitable for gardening. This fertilizer is created when other natural elements, which include plant and animal matter rot and result to biomass that contains high nutrient quality.

Why Organic fertilizers?
Using organic fertilizers presents various advantages. It is environmental-friendly. Unlike inorganic fertilizers, they do not contain any toxic chemicals that could be harmful to the surrounding. They are safe to use and do not cause pollution to the environment.
Organic garden fertilizers are also cost-effective. You do not have to buy it from the garden center. You simply make your own by collecting and combining several organic components to decay for few weeks and have your fertilizer.

This type of fertilizer also results in healthier plants compared to the plants grown using artificial fertilizers. The main reason is that the mineral and nutrient content in organic fertilizer is high thus giving your backyard garden an alluring look and succulent yields. Organic fertilizer is also effective in eradicating pests from your yard, which means that you will spend the little time, money and effort fighting pests inside your garden should you choose to go organic.
There are several forms of organic fertilizers, and you can find the best lawn fertilizer that available in the market on this website. But if you are growing vegetables, flowers and fruits in, the best organic fertilizer to use is compost. You all know this, don’t you? The type of fertilizer that you make for yourself without too much hustle by simply disposing organic wastes, leftover foods, grass clippings and dead leaves among others into one place and leaving them out to decompose.

Compost as the best fertilizer

As we mentioned above other than buying fertilizer directly from the garden center, you can also opt to create your compost in your backyard. Are you aware that the rubbish, wastes, and trash that you often throw away can be converted to become something very useful within your surrounding? Composting is a process where nature transforms something that has been used and regarded as waste into a good garden fertilizer.
It simply involves mixing solid organic waste and natural rubbish or trash in a heap or bin then allowing it to cure until the moment if fully decomposes into rich fertilizer.

Is composting necessary?

Definitely yes! In this day and age, composting is essential not only in producing rich organic fertilizer for your lawn flowers and garden plants but also in reducing the amount of wastes and rubbish that you have to eliminate from your compound. This is beneficial to the environment too. You see, it is vital for a garden compost to be in every household because all the house and yard wastes recycled helps in reducing our landfill problems.

When in need of start a compost pile, there is essential information that you need to understand. First, you can choose to do a heap or bin. It all depends on the amount of space that you have and some wastes you can be able to collect on a routinely. If you have a bigger compound, you can go the cheap way. But if you have a comparatively confined space, you can choose to work with a bin.
Perhaps you are worried of the strong odor often related with heaps of composting materials. Worry not! Today, we have different techniques that can be used in eliminating the odor. Getting the correct combination of the lawn clippings and kitchen wastes greatly help in getting rid of the smell. You can also choose to buy composters and set them up within your compound. The bins used in composting have been designed in a modern way that helps in preventing the odor.
If your preference is to make your compost, luckily, there are composters that will help you decompose within your compound. But you need to be particular when it comes to determining the type of material you are disposing of in your composters. There are those that will never breakdown such as plastics and thus unnecessary to dump them in your composter.

Types of Composters

Primarily, there are two major types of composters that you can find in the market; Composter Bins and Tumbling Composter. Both serve a similar purpose, but the key difference is the mechanism they use in creating compost. Irrespective of the type you chose, it is a significant step towards environment conservation. Typically, Composters are essential for recycling the garbage and ultimately producing high quality organic fertilizer that enriches the soil vegetable garden or yard. They are designed in a manner that makes it possible to speed up decomposition and gives you an appealing container that hides the composting material from your view.

Composter Bin
Bins are used for free composting. It means that when using it in this process, you do not necessarily have to monitor the particular types of wastes you dispose of it but you have to be cognizant on the types of wastes you dump on it. They are usually larger compared to the tumblers. Bins allow you to spend little time and energy in maintenance. Attention is necessary, but compost home bins do not require too much of it. They are often larger in size, which makes them take longer before full decomposition occurs. Using bins also implies that you will get a significant amount of fertilizer at ago.
It is usually advisable to go for home compost pits with lids. The covers become handy in preventing the awful odor and protecting the wastes from excessive moisture and pests’ infestation. But to hasten the process, you need to mix the wastes often using a hand pitchfork consistently.
When choosing the right garden compost pit, go for one that provides you with the ideal possible insulation properties. Proper insulation creates a suitable environment for the aerobic bacteria to effectively become active in breaking down the organic wastes. The heat and dampness are necessary for ensuring that your garden compost kicks along in a desirable manner.

Tumbling Composter

It is regarded that one of the best technological advances in composting. It is a barrel hanged on a steel frame and has two openings used in putting organic content to it. It is built in a design that allows it to turn and tumble the waste contents thus helping in producing high quality fertilizer soil within the shortest time possible.
Tumbling composters facilitates proper aeration and faster breakdown on your compost pile as it allows the particles to get exposure to air in the process of falling. It can be used for general or specific composting by deciding the type of material you want to create compost from since it easy to regulate. However, using tumbling composter calls for high level of maintenance and frequent turning of compost pile for purposes of increasing aeration for faster decomposition.
Tumbling composters provide the most rapid means of the composting process and in some cases up to 21 days. These types of composters are usually smaller in size compared to compost bins. Some are portable while others are only stationed in one place. You may also find yourself composting too much and therefore selling some to neighbors and friends, which eventually helps you in raising extra income.
Using tumbling composters helps you in cutting cost. You get a free supply of high quality organic fertilizer and consequently avoiding trips to the garden center for a bag or bags of the same. These composters provide best alternatives for creating compost without bothering about rodents. You can also have a smaller one at your kitchen, where you dump kitchen wastes at your convenience especially when the weather is unfavorable and later on transfer to the main tumbler.

The Best Way To Spread Your Fertilizer

Since fertilizing your lawn as a way of maintaining it is an effort which requires more input from time to time, it is appropriate that you acquire the best farm equipment to facilitate the maintenance. Fertilizer spreader or broadcast spreader is one proper tool that you need to have in your store. It is a gardening accessory that is used in applying fertilizer. Lawn fertilizer spreader comes in different designs, shapes, sizes, colors, usability, capacities and of course prices.
This equipment is essential especially when you in need of spraying fertilizer in your garden or lawn at an accelerated speed. It helps in saving time and energy when fertilizing a comparatively large garden. They are designed in a way that enables the user to spread fertilizer evenly across the entire garden within the shortest time possible.

Types of Fertilizer Spreaders

Of course, there are several types of fertilizer spreaders that you can buy and use. The most common ones in the market to go for include the hand spreader, pull behind spreader, and at broadcast spreader. Different manufacturers of this equipment have different features that they fit in their spreaders to make sure they are unique and stand out in the market.
When shopping for ideal fertilizer spreaders, there are several factors that you will need to look into before ultimately settling on one. It all matters with your preference but there are some specific details that you have to factor in to get one that serves and meets all your needs to your satisfaction.
One important factor to always consider is reliability. How dependable is the particular spreader you are shopping for? As a newbie, definitely you might have some challenges in establishing how reliable one can be. You should not worry at all! We are here to help you in making the right choices in picking the best fertilizer spreader. Remember they never come cheaply! Purchasing any of this equipment is an investment on its own, and you have to get value for your money.
Gardening maintenance requires a lot of activities. It is therefore recommended that when you are choosing an ideal spreader, go for one that offers versatility. This simply means that it should not merely be limited to spraying fertilizer but should also be able to help in carrying out other gardening activities such as spreading seeds and applying other products too. Ensure that you also shop for one that is easy to maintain and clean so that it saves you from incurring other unnecessary additional repair expenses from the second or third parties.

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