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This is how you should deal with your in laws for successful marriage
Date Posted:
6/30/2017 4:59:33 AM
Posted By: Abced Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 1085
are being unfair to you,speak to them directly.Any complicated matter will be resolved whenever you try to explain the problem frankly.Making your in-laws know your openness will serve you and your family best.
iii)Employ a sense of humour .
No matter how tough the situation may seem,just try to laugh off any rude comments and insults as far as possible,though it may not be easy.Just try your best since nurturing a good sense of humour can make dealing with your in-laws a lot easier.Try as much as possible to be in control of your emotions.Never let the in-laws upset you and never let your temper flare,as it may worsen a tense situation.Make your in-laws learn that you are not easy to manipulate,by simply choosing to smile at any hurtful comments they may pose at you.Avoid letting them receive the response they hope to receive from your.By doing so,you will prevent them from making further comments.
iv)Build and maintain that respect.
Approach your in-laws the same way you would approach any potential friend .Even if they may seem not in good moods with you,just maintain the necessary respect when approaching them.Don't give them a reason to dislike you.It will be necessary not to use foul language,yell or insult your in-laws. Respect your in-laws,be interested in them and listen to them.The drudge they may have on you will slowly fade away.
v) Stand up for yourself.
As long as you may treat your in-laws with respect and kindness,remember not to adjust your values for them.Make sure to set your priorities and stick to them.You are not under any obligation to become or do what your in-laws want if it does not feel right for you.Remember,people will always respect you back when you respect yourself first.
vi)Stay neutral.
Try to remain as neutral as possible by allowing your husband and children interact with your in-laws freely.Trying to prevent them from doing so will only create acrimony.Staying neutral in a situation where your relationship with your in-laws is not cordial,might help make the relationship amiable.
vii)Remain kind.
Remember,being kind will melt even the hardest of hearts.It actually speaks volumes.Show kindness towards your in-laws at every possible opportunity.Convey the message that you are concerned about their welfare as their own child.Talk and act like you are happy to have them in your life and offer a helping hand whenever the need arises.By behaving in such a manner by displaying kindness,your in-laws will have no reason to dislike you.
viii)Display marturity.
It requires a lot of maturity on your part when dealing with in-laws.You have to accept that things will not always be straight and smooth in a marriage. So,you have to accept anything from your in-laws but be prepared to handle such situations with utmost maturity. Always try putting yourself in your in-laws shoes while dealing with them. Use your instincts and act smartly depending on the situation at hand.
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