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Definition,Major Types , Signs and Symptoms and Treatment Methods of Anorexia Nervosa
Date Posted:
10/12/2017 10:59:52 PM
Posted By: Mgithu Membership Level: Bronze Total Points: 32
and Symptoms of AnorexiaAnorexic people are likely to engage in chronic dieting and obsession with the calorie and fat content of food despite the fact that they are hazardously underweight. The individuals also tend to have fixations with food recipes and cooking. They may cook great meals for other people but refrain from partaking in the food. Even when they do, they engage in ritualistic patterns such as eating alone, hiding food or cutting it into tiny pieces while eating. Anorexic people are also likely to develop depression or become isolated and withdrawn. Another symptom of anorexia is thinning or loss of hair or the development of lanugo on the face and body. The individuals also report having a sensation of feeling cold, especially in extreme cases.
Treatment of AnorexiaDue to its complex nature as an eating disorder, treatment of anorexia should be handled by a team of professional doctors, therapists, and dieticians. The highest priority when treating anorexia should be given to addressing the health issues that may have resulted from malnutrition. An example of such problems is an unstable heartbeat. The anorexic individual should then be educated about healthy eating habits, and efforts should be made to ensure that the patient regains weight through a supervised and tailored meal plan. Therapists should be involved in helping the patient recognize and address underlying issues that may be the cause of their anorexic condition. The anorexic individuals should receive help in coping with and healing from trauma as well as developing the capacity for expressing and dealing with emotions.
Anorexia and DietingAnorexia and dieting share many similarities; both involve a conscious effort to limit the amount of food taken to limit weight gain. However, the restrictive eating practices in anorexia have far more devastating consequences than those of dieting. Another difference is that in dieting, the individual aims at controlling weight gain while in anorexia, the control is usually an attempt to control one's emotions and life, bring order in a chaotic environment or escape from traumatic events.
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