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Most important dining etiquette
Date Posted:
12/28/2017 12:40:52 AM
Posted By: Galician Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 112
or even to avoid ending up being choked.
Avoid chewing and talking.You shouldn't talk with food in your mouth to avoid causing discomfort to the other dinners.Take small manageable bites if you are going to be involved in a constant conversation throughout the meal.
3.After the meal.
When finished eating,position your silverware to tell the servers you are done.
Remember to fold your napkin and place it to the left of your place setting.You don't have to strain folding it as it was originally folded,just make a simple neat fold.
Once you have learnt this basic table manners,they are easy to keep up and many people will appreciate that your are being conscious enough to observe them.
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