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How to balance education and friends in campus
Date Posted:
1/30/2018 1:38:29 PM
Posted By: a_jerobon Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 522
time. This does not mean that you should spend all your time studying, no, have some time to share with your friends, no man is an island remember.
2. Choose friends wisely.
Choose friends who motivate you to study. When we are joining campus, our parents encourage us to choose friends wisely. They even explain to us who true friends are. The worst mistake you can make in campus is being in the wrong company. This plays a major role in making you to fail most of your goals in life. Choose those friends who will be mad at you for skipping a class not those who will reject you for not attending their birthday party because you had a class.
3. Set goals.
Have a goal that you must achieve. For example, promise yourself that you will attend all your lectures while you have read ahead of the lecturer. In addition to that, ensure that have had time to spend with each of your friends. At the end of the day you will find that you have studied as well as had time with friends. Make sure that you achieve each of the goals that you have set.
3. Study with friends.
Study with those friends from your course or those whom you share some units with. As I said earlier, you may have some friends whom you take the same course with or those whom you share similar units. Studying with them ensures that you share a stronger bond with them and also, it enhances the gaining of more knowledge since you may learn new things from them. This also enables you to respect the fact that despite the fun that you have together in campus, you went there for a a pecific purpose and that is education.
4. Prioritize education before your friends.
Have in mind that your priority in campus is education. Friends are also important since they are there to give you company, to mould your social character, make you have fun and find some meaning of life. The fun and company you share should not make the idea of you being in campus to veer off into the bush. When told to choose between a certain lesson and you best friend's birthday party, always choose your education the come back after the class and surprise your friend with a birthday gift. That way, you will have have an equilibrium between your friends and your studies.
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