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The Current Kenya National Debt
Date Posted:
2/9/2018 3:49:35 AM
Posted By: simpleman Anto Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 162
of Sh1, 934,200 representing 109% increase. On the contrary, GDP 2016 was Sh7, 053,000 million while that of 2010 was Sh4, 000,000 million indicating a difference of 3,053,000 representing a percentage increase of 76.3%. From an economist point view, such trend cannot be sustained in the long run.
Similarly, the country operates on a deficit or negative balance of payment (BOP) defined as the difference between the value of total exports and imports. Kenya imports more than it exports thus challenging its ability to service substantial public debt. In the fiscal year 2015-2016, the value of total exports was Sh50.875 billion whereas imports were 138.151 billion. This is a clear indication that we exports are more than twice the imports.
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