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The objectives of primary school education and examples to show how they have been achieved


Date Posted: 2/15/2018 1:25:57 PM

Posted By: karanumoureen  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 154

The objectives of primary school education and examples to show how they have been achieved

Acquire literacy, numeracy, creativity and communication skill- Literacy and numeracy is the ability to read, write, compute, research and process information ,Communication skills is the ability to communicate verbally, in sign language, and in writing; to talk, listen and act on directions this objective have been achieved for example through students in the primary level been taught basic math skills and them been engaged through problem solving requiring completion of elementary operation of calculation ,geometrical knowledge and estimates as well as being able to apply them in daily basis situation , hence acquiring the skills of numeracy. In enhancing creativity teachers have brought the aspect of play in learning giving learners an opportunity to become innovative. Communication skills has also been enhanced in primary school where teachers are using team building activities to improve on learners communication skills such as listening ,empathy , confidence and friendliness.

Enjoy learning and develop desire to continue learning- This is where Allow time for play. It is achieved in Kenya primary school in that the teachers are trained to create a positive learning environment which makes learner to desire to continue learning.

Develop ability for critical thinking and logical judgment- this is the ability to think seriously about something and then come up with an idea. This have been achieved in schools in Kenya where by teachers encourage learners to think, before directly telling answers to learners. Also through experiments where the teachers ask learners to observe what will happen then they give the conclusion.

Appreciate and respect the dignity of work- this objective was achieved where subject like home science and agriculture were taught where children

acquired skilled for manual activities thus helping them appreciate dignity work.

Develop desirable social standards, moral and religious values- in moral development children are taught the difference between wrong and right which is usually taught through education example in Kenya this objective have been achieved where teachers monitor the children while in school to ensure they behave well they also encourage children to be honest example by them doing their own work without cheating ,and always talking the truth thus enhancing moral development . In social development children are taught how to live in harmony with other people. social development has also being achieved in that teachers give group work to learners and ensure they work together and also social development have been achieved in that children are required to share some learning resources like textbooks .Religious values has also been enhanced whereby there are pastoral programs in schools like prayers during school assembly.

Develop into a self-disciplined, physically fit and healthy person- this involves the care of the body and living a healthy environment. This have been achieved in Kenya primary school where in the content taught learners learn about the growth of the body and how to take care of the body , example in subjects like science in all levels there is the study of the human body and hygiene topics while like class four pupils they learn how to take care of their teeth and avoid teeth diseases , also teachers teach learners a on how to sit and stand properly to avoid bad posture which will retard and spoil growth. this have also been where learners in primary schools are required to attend school while in clean and in their school uniform .Also in Kenya primary school there is a subject called physical education where learners are required to do physical activities which help learners develop physical fitness and self-discipline.

Develop aesthetic values and appreciate own and other people's cultures- this have been achieved whereby learners are taught general knowledge of different communities, this have been achieved in Kenya primary schools where subject like social studies is taught which mostly contain content of people's way of living , this have enabled learners to appreciate other people cultures.

Develop awareness and appreciation of the environment -this objectives have been achieved in that teachers ensure learners participate in keeping the school clean and encouraging them to extend the habit in home situation and also them helping the learners to understand what environment entails.

Develop awareness of and appreciation for other nations and international community
Instill respect and love for own country and the need for harmonious co-existence- this have been achieved in the primary schools where learners from different parts of the country enroll hence learn together hence promoting co-existence , also through teachers giving learners activities to do together and also teaching learners the meaning of love and is importance.

Develop individual talents- this have been achieved through introduction of various clubs in school like game club and music club which have greatly led to development of talents because learners are able to discover their abilities at a tender age.

Promote social responsibility and make proper use of leisure time- this have been achieved in that learners are taught on moral values how to live in respect with one another and also teachers ensuring that during leisure time they are doing constructive activities.

Develop awareness and appreciation of the role of technology - this is where by Education in Kenya should provide the learners with the necessary skills and attitudes for industrial development. This objective is been achieved in Kenya primary school where learners are taught various subject like social studies where they acquire industrial skills and knowledge.

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