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Global warming - how it occurs, its causes, effects and how to mitigate it


Date Posted: 2/26/2018 1:40:59 PM

Posted By: a_jerobon  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 522

Global warming is the increase in atmospheric temperature due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases.

How it occurs.

The sun usually releases electromagnetic waves and ultra violet rays. The ultra violet rays are usually absorbed by the ozone layer. The ozone layer is becoming depleted depleted due to causes such as increase in Chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs) hence electromagnetic waves pass through to the earth surface and are reflected back as infrared rays. Greenhouse gases usually trap infrared rays and use them to maintain the temperature of the earth. The normal temperature of the earth is seventeen degrees centigrade. However, due to various causes there is an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere hence more infrared rays are being trapped. Due to this, the temperature of the earth increases above the normal seventeen degrees centigrade resulting in global warming.

Causes of global warming.

1. Deforestation.
This is the cutting down of trees. Trees usually absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is a major greenhouse gas hence cutting down of trees increases its accumulation in the atmosphere since it is not being absorbed. Accumulation of carbon dioxide increases trapping of more infrared rays hence an increase in temperature.

2. Release of untreated industrial gases.
Most industrial gases such as Chlorofluorocarbons and carbon dioxide are notorious greenhouse gases. When they are released from industries without being treated, they accumulate in the atmosphere and trap more infrared rays hence leading to increase in atmospheric temperature.

3. Burning of charcoal.
Charcoal is made up of mostly pure carbon. When it is burned, it releases this carbon which mixes with oxygen in the air to form carbon dioxide. Accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases its temperature hence leading to global warming.

4. Burning of fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels

are hydrocarbons, basically fuel, coal and natural gas. Burning of fossil fuels contributes to large emissions of carbon dioxide which is major greenhouse gas that causes global warming.

5. Agricultural activities.
The use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture leads to emission of greenhouse gases that eventually cause global warming.

Effects of global warming.

1. Rise in sea level.
Most of water bodies on the earth surface are made up of ice. When temperature increases, this ice melts leading to the rise in sea level.

2. Drought or famine.
Extreme rise in temperature leads to drying up of plants; drought. This causes poor agricultural productivity.

3. Emergence of diseases.
Certain diseases such as anthrax, tick - borne diseases, cholera and cancers are emerging and increasing due to global warming. Cholera for example is expected to increase with temperature since the bacterial disease which causes diarrhoea and loss of water in the body is most active in warm weather and water.

Ways of mitigating global warming.

1. Afforestation and reforestation.
Afforestation is the planting of trees for the first time while reforestation is the planting of trees as a compensation of others which were cut down. Both activities involve planting of trees which absorb carbon dioxide hence reducing its accumulation in the atmosphere.

2. Use of organic farming.
Agricultural activities should be conducted with organic manure instead of inorganic fertilizers and sprays. This increases agricultural productivity and also reduces the release of greenhouse gases.

3. Making laws and policies.
The government should put in place policies that govern global warming. This policies should emphasize on the need to reduce production and release of greenhouse gases. For example, industries that release untreated gases should be closed down or fined heavily.

4. Educating the public on global warming.
People should be educated on global warming, the causes, effects and ways of reducing it.

5. Treatment of industrial gases before release.
Industrial gases should undergo treatment before they are released into the atmosphere.

In conclusion, global warming is a worldwide issue that needs to be taken seriously since its effects are devastating yet it can be controlled with a few lifestyle changes.

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