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How to survive in campus as a lady
Date Posted:
3/2/2018 6:21:32 AM
Posted By: a_jerobon Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 522
are now in an era where men look for ladies of substance as marriage partners. They look for a dignified independent lady with a stable job or business. A lady who thinks beyond her looks and a man's money. Unless you want to get married to those ever idle drunkards in our villages, then I advice you to build life while in campus. Concentrate on your studies. Social life must be there but prioritize your academics. Attend your lectures, do research on your assignments, study for your continuous assessment tests and exams. Manage your time well lady, or waste it and never recover it.
Next, we shall talk about social life. This is in terms of sexual relationships, friendships and religious life.
Sexual relationships.
The news this days is made up of stories of ladies being murdered in cold blood by their partners. You are allowed to date in campus but but you must be careful with who you decide to relate with. Do not be pushed by your peers to have a boyfriend then you end up dating the wrong person. Instead, take your time. Study the person properly. Does he have good values that match your like? Is he serious with you or is he just after sex? Does he value your goals? If you do not want to date him then be confident enough and let him know. If you respect yourself then definitely you will find someone who respects you. And if you feel that you are not ready to commit to a relationship then you are allowed to remain single.
Ladies love having a couple of friends. But what kind of friends are they? Do they contribute in building your life or are they the ones misleading you? Friends are the best people in campus. They make campus life a place to be. They are the roses that bring flavour to campus life. However, friends can be a major cause of distraction especially against your academics. Therefore, correct choice of friends in campus is an achievement that could ensure that you come out of whichever campus you are in as a victor and not a loser. You may be wondering who this good friends are. Good friends are those people who are always there for you whether you are up or down. They give you courage in every good thing that you do and warn you whenever you are on the wrong. They also inspire prosperity in your life.
Religious life.
Your religious life is also an important part of your life in campus. Campus is filled with different people from different religions. What do you belief in as an individual? Do you have a religion? If so, are you doing according to the decrees of that religion while in campus? Some ladies go to campus and forget that they have been raised in a religious family family. The best way to stay out of trouble in campus is to have a group of friends whom you share similar religious beliefs with. You can fellowship with them and grow your spiritual life. It may seem hard to be spiritual in campus. Some ladies fear to be called church girls. They even prefer to be termed as sluts yet deep down in their hearts they desire to be good. To have a healthy spiritual life. If you are such a lady, forget what the world says and follow your heart. That way, the right people shall tag along in your life.
Lets talk about your own personality. Who are you as a lady? What are your hobbies? What are your interests? Which goals have you set? One of my friends once told me that she loves being at home rather than being in campus. I asked her why and she told me that at home, she can be who she wants to be without fearing what other people would say. She went ahead to say that in campus she has to fake a lot of things in order to be liked by many. Why? Why do you have to suppress yourself for others? Why cant you live your life as the lady that you are? Never fake yourself, lady. Just be you. Do what you love doing. Let the world talk but one day they will realise that you have built your world so high that no one could climb in.
Ladies, life is too short to waste it. Live it. Love it. Share your joy with everyone. I always have one rule: Live the right way and the right people shall follow you. Above all, always remember where you come from.
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