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Importance of taking hot water regularly to human beings


Date Posted: 3/13/2018 11:49:22 PM

Posted By: franco crick  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 2067

Water is one of the most efficient requirements in both human and other living organisms. Water has chemical formula H2O mainly containing hydrogen bonds that are stronger enough thus requiring more heating. Water has other distinct characteristics such as high melting and boiling points, high latent heat of vaporization, it is also a universal solvent and lastly it has different chemical properties that influences it reactions with different organic and inorganic substances.

Hot water is mainly free from smells, disease causing microorganisms as well as free from colorful characteristics. Hot water is of more advantage as compared to clean, filtered, uncolored and unboiled water. The main importance or benefits obtained from hot water by human beings are as described below:

a) Hot water helps in reduction of toxicity from human beings this is mainly because when one takes hot water the body temperatures rises making the internal and external body temperature to rise which contributes to sweating. During sweating, human body releases sweat on human skin which contains toxic substances that are released from human body thus leading to reduced toxicity from the body.

b) Taking in of hot water increases the rate of blood circulation in human circulatory system. This is mainly brought about by expansion of the arteries and veins within the circulatory system of the human body. Once these blood vessels expands, it creates more room for blood to pass through the vessels thus the rate at which the blood was being circulated before is increased.

c) Hot water taking ensures hydration of a human body thus preventing conditions such as desiccation and skin problems and other related dehydration problems. As a result of this the body remains with enough water balance during colder and warmer seasons thus playing a key role in human body system.

d) Intake of hot water

helps in stress levels reduction in a human being. This is mainly because the rate at which the thoughts runs in one’s mind are brought down since the performance of the brain/mind is refreshed thus making the mind to mainly solve the most essential issues while leaving the less important ones. In this way, the hot water helps one forget the lees important things thus reducing the stress issues in a human

e) Hot water also curbs nasal congestion in a respiratory tract of a human. This is mainly because as the rate of mucus production is high the hot water leads to cleaning of the nasal tract in the process thus contributing to unblocking of the tract. This increases the rate of respiration and solving out the challenges that may be brought about by release of mucus and also reducing the common cold instances.

f) Some scientists also explain that hot water helps in relieving the symptoms of achalasia disease. This is a disease where the esophagus is unable to pass on food substances during peristaltic movement in boluses from the mouth to the stomach. This condition or symptom is controlled when one takes in hot water during ingestion where the water cleans up the digestive tract along the esophagus thus ensuring flow of food easily along the gut.

g) Hot water intake also helps in food digestion during digestion process. This is mainly because once the food is ingested is directly mixed with food substances. This helps in softening of food being mechanically broken down the tract and as a result water aid in food digestion. Water also helps in digestion in that it is absorbed in ileum/small intestine in most organisms including human beings.

h) Hot water also calms the central nervous system. This is mainly because during high temperatures or deep thoughts for example when one is thinking hard the central nervous system is usually very active in that a lot of impulses are been transferred in the process. As a result of this the central nervous system tend to be very busy and also becoming very nervous. Hot water intake helps reduce all this activities within the system.

i) Hot water also helps in prevention of constipation. This mainly because fibre/roughage substances are usually mixed with water and as a result the fibre once taken into the body constipation incidences in one’s system is reduced.

j) Hot water also helps the big sized human beings in weight loss. This is mainly because; once hot water is taken into human’s body the water facilitates the process of excretion of unwanted water from the body. Through this process the hydrated weight is lost thus contributing to weight loss in human.

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