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Water Conservation in Kenya
Date Posted:
3/30/2018 7:58:40 AM
Posted By: ROZA Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 961
to make our wrongs right and the following are some of the things we can do:
1. We need to do water harvesting, using water catchment areas. Water harvesting is holding rain water and catchment areas are what we are using to harvest the rain water. To do this we need to weigh our demand and consumption levels as far as water is concerned. That is, how much water do you use, and when is the water available, so as to know the size of tank to buy. In villages, the houses we live in are the ones we use and we put gutters on them, then we direct them to the tank. It would be preferable to dig a hole and put the tank in it. This will keep water from evaporating and also make the tank last for long because the heat from the sun destroys it.
2. For those who have big lands, they can construct a dam; they can then direct all the running rain water into it. To avoid dirty water, small dams are constructed right before the big dam so that the muddy water can first go into them and come out cleaner. If a dam can be constructed and it rains, that water can be used for farming through out the year even if the rains fail to come as expected during that whole year.
In conclusion, after all has been said and done, as a country, we have to make a choice if we are to go on as a developing economy, to take care of water production as well as conservation., because it all starts there.
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