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How to curb the high cost of living in Kenya
Date Posted:
4/26/2018 6:25:46 AM
Posted By: ROZA Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 961
so much more that we are exporting. We need so many dollars but no one needs our shilling. The demand for our shilling will go up when we start producing the products that other countries need. We have seen companies which are assembling cars here in the country, this is a good thing and it should be encouraged because they will not only reduce the cost of cars but they will also create employment. Let’s be industrious.
4. We need to encourage large scale farming, instead of subsistent farming. In developed countries, farming is done in large scale by chosen few. The others go to towns to manufacture what has been produced. We should emulate that culture instead of all of us owning a small piece of land and no enough food. The only type of farming that will help our country is large scale farming.
5. Banks that specialize is agriculture should be established. Their job should be to give loans to farmers for them to buy the necessary farming equipment that they may need. They should also educate farmers on the best farming practices.
6. The government should also take the responsibility and create the proper environment for its citizens to work and be fruitful. Vices like corruption only discourage taxpayers. People would get encouraged to see where their tax money is going, building the much needed infrastructures will help a lot. There are things that need to be done by a government and lack of integrity is what is failing our country.
To sum it all up, Kenyans are very hardworking people but they are lacking the very basic needs of life because of high cost of living. But we only need to be shown the right direction to move as a country and high cost of living will be a thing of the past.
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