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ARM 301: Principles of Range Management Course Outline


Date Posted: 9/29/2018 12:40:59 AM

Posted By: jim items  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 2112

Course outline:

To provide students with background information necessary to think critically about range management in the 21st century. Range management involves the synthesis and application of principles from many fields. By the end of the course the learner must be able to understand and explain:
The concept of principles of range management
The environmental and management influences on range production
The principles of Range utilization
How livestock can be used as a tool of range management
Distribution of grazing in rangeland
The grazing management systems

B: Course content:
Plant growth and response to grazing; Range utilization; Proper grazing use of forage production; evaluation of use made of key grazing sites; current production and proper grazing use; range deterioration with over-use; proper range use and range improvement; Considerations concerning stocking rate; Season of use in range management; Distribution of grazing in range management; management considerations for distribution of grazing; terrain and grazing distribution; selective grazing and grazing distribution; Kinds of livestock best suited to the range; Livestock as a tool
of range management; Grazing management systems: Open range –free choice system; Deferred grazing; Rotation grazing; Rotation-deferred grazing systems; Seasonal suitability system; Environmental and management influences on range production

C: Assessment course compromises of an exam constituting 70%.There will be two CATS, several assignment ,all which will be marked and averaged to 30%.

D: Mode Of Delivery: Lectures, video, projectors, class presentations

E: Course Schedule:

Introduction to the concept of principles of range mgt
What is a range land?
Resources of rangeland
Types of range land
What is range management?
Rangeland Management tools
Environmental and management influences on range production
Definition of concept
Range deterioration with over use
Environmental factors influencing rangelands
Proper grazing use of forage production;
Current production and proper grazing use
Range utilization
Definition of concept
Season of use in range management
Evaluation of use made of key grazing sites;
proper range use and Range

Livestock as a tool of range management
Definition of concept
Kind of animals in rangeland
Consideration concerning stocking rate
Distribution of grazing in range management;
Management considerations for distribution of grazing;
Plant growth and response to grazing
Selective grazing
Terrain and grazing distribution
Grazing management systems:
Definition of concept
Open range –free choice system;
Deferred grazing;
Rotation grazing;
Rotation-deferred grazing systems;
Seasonal suitability system;

F: Resources and refrences.

1.Margaret G.M e,tal 1998, Environmental Education; Essential knowledge for sustainable development: Longhorn Kenya ltd, 1998
2.Allred, B. W., Scasta, J. D., Hovick, T. J., Fuhlendorf, S. D., Hamilton, R. G. 2014. Spatial heterogeneity stabilizes productivity in a changing climate. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment
3. Bailey, D. W. 2004. Management strategies for optimal grazing distribution and use of arid rangelands. Journal of Animal Science 82:E147-E153.
5. Bailey, D. W. 2005. Identification and creation of optimum habitat conditions for livestock. Rangeland Ecology and Management 58:109-118.
6.Bailey, D. W., and G. R. Welling. 1999. Modification of cattle grazing distribution with dehydrated molasses supplement. Journal of Range Management 52:575-582.
7.Bailey, D. W., G. R. Welling, and E. T. Miller. 2001. Cattle use of foothill rangeland near dehydrated molasses supplement. Journal of Range Management 54:338-347.

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