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Four ways for parents and teachers to encourage a reading culture among school-going children
Date Posted:
10/16/2018 6:45:45 AM
Posted By: achep05 Membership Level: Bronze Total Points: 32
books on time and in good condition to give others a chance to read the same books.
(c) Form a book club with other parents
A parent can seek out other like-minded parents to form a book club with their children and rotate with each other over the weekends. The added advantage of such clubs is that parents can develop other fun games for their children which improve their social skills too. Book clubs, though, demand commitment especially among parents with very busy schedules.
(d) Download reading apps that target children
A technology savvy parent or teacher can easily download a variety of reading apps which combine stimulating language and vivid imagery to make reading more exciting. However, one must ensure they monitor how the young ones use their gadgets to avoid other issues such as addiction or poor eyesight. One can search the Google Play store which offers a wide variety of reading apps for free or paid.
(e) Integrate watching of educational television programs
It is possible to set aside time to watch documentaries or shows either at home and in the classroom. Programs such as National Geographic can jolt the interest of the young audience to seek out books and magazine articles that discuss more on any subject. The added advantage is that children and teenagers will watch less of destructive television programs.
Overall, the above tips are more or less simple but practical ways both teachers and parents can instill reading in their children without coercing them. More than ever, reading must be encouraged to neutralize the continuous trend of fake stories and radical views which leave a lasting impression on the younger generation. After all, one does not need to travel far and wide to be cultured, reading can definitely do that.
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