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Common problems faced by students in colleges


Date Posted: 12/11/2018 7:28:55 AM

Posted By: Carolinemakenamutwiri  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 112

The dream of every parent is to see their children gets quality education and succeeds in whatever career they choose. This has seen quite a large number of students being enrolled each year in private and public higher learning institutions. However there is an array of problems that face students in their transition to and life through college despite the obvious assumption that all is well. These problems may be psychological or physical and they affect their education, some end up dropping out of school and the worst being committing suicide.

The problems include;

1. Drug and substance abuse.

It has become a norm that campus students take drugs as they wish. Most of the abused drugs are bang, alcohol, miraa, and tobacco to mention but a few. Drug abuse can lead to poor choices, risky behavior, health risks, affect one’s performance and career or even potentially deadly situations. Some of the abused drugs such as bang have lifelong mental effects that affects one’s performance henceforth. While partying is important, it’s good to enjoy in a responsible and legal manner to avoid causing problems to one self and others. Know the limits and understand the meaning of affirmative consent.

2. Financial constraints.

With the cost of living rising at an alarming rate, the burden has not been easy for students either. Given scarce financial resources, students have to make rational decisions on their expenditure. Expenditure faced by most can be split into two main uses- feeding and accommodation. Students decrease number of meals a day or even skip some meals completely to economize and the meals they consume are cheap but unhealthy meals such as rolls, chips,soft drinks,sandwiches to mention but a few. It is known that students can’t consume meals of high value such as meat, fruits and dairy products due to their

being economically coercive. Studies done have indicated that young people at this age are at a risk of developing chronic disorders. Part of the finances however go to accommodation. Students leave their cities and move to other places to get education .Not all students however secure accommodation within the school premises and are faced with no choice but to rent some other place. Student’s accommodation fall short of meeting their need while the cost renting especially in urban areas is quite high.

To manage this, given scarce financial resources students needs to be taught how to manage their finances and particularly prioritizing budgetary needs to cater for meals properly. In addition students facing financial problems need to be on the lookout for various bursaries and any other aid provided both within and outside the university by various organizations.

3. Unemployment problem and worry about the future.

The problem of unemployment in our country has become an important matter especially for graduates. Getting a good job is an important problem especially for newly graduated young people. However students even as they strive to get their education are worried that they won’t secure a job after campus due to limited job opportunities. The problem of unemployment is not only a general problem of a country, but also a problem paving way for serious psychological problems for young people who cannot secure jobs long after graduating.

4. Negative Peer influence.

Peer influence is a major issue affecting many young people. One may join campus with a dream and with a clean mind of achieving certain objectives but end up being corrupted by peers. Students get dragged into drug abuse, partying and relationships that deviates their focus from more important issues .It’s important to socialize but wisely, choose priorities as well as engage in healthy relationships.

5. Quality of education.

Higher learning education can be broadly categorized into two –‘mass education colleges’ and ‘research colleges’ Most institutions nowadays have assumed the role of mass education with minimal emphasis being made on acquiring practical skills necessary for the job market. In addition various institutions lack adequate physical facilities to support education. Research and development need to be emphasized so as to equip student with necessary skills so as to cope with the high level of unemployment.

In addition, Universities need to ensure they invest in enough physical structures and facilities for social activities such as enough lecture halls to minimize overcrowding, and ensure each student acquires quality education. Part time counselling ,orientation and public lectures need to be carried out on various issues to ensure students are all rounded .Entrepreneurial skills need to be emphasized so that even when faced with unemployment ,a graduate can find something meaningful to do as they await or in addition to employment.

In conclusion, despite the above problems, there exist solutions .One need only be keen to the surrounding issues, available choices and select priorities. One needs to focus on what’s important. Proper counselling is also key from the parents themselves.

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