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Characteristics of a Profession
Date Posted:
2/20/2019 7:09:30 AM
Posted By: GITARI MITHAMO Membership Level: Bronze Total Points: 68
involves matters of life and death yet others deal with matters of highly confidential nature entrusted to them by their clients. There is need to control the behavior of the members of a profession so that they would not use their special knowledge for evil did. For these reasons a code of conduct is formulated which is a solemn oath of allegiance to the dedicates of the professional practice. It therefore bids the professional conscience to do the right thing even when the employer want him to do it. If the professionals are found engaging in unethical practices the professional organization can withdraw its practicing certificate thereby preventing him from practicing the profession.
Vocation. The professional engages in his work as a life time commitment and a gainful occupation because he derives fair and selfless material rewards from the occupation he is fully dedicated to the improvement of his performance. This makes him a life time students in his own are of specialization.
Every profession in the world is characterized by the above characteristics.For a profession to qualify to be call a profession must therefore set rules and regulation that the members of that profession must follow otherwise if it lacks such rules then it cannot be called a profession.
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