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3 steps go-getters have mastered and you can too
Date Posted:
6/3/2019 12:17:15 AM
Posted By: Jayne Wathira Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 137
achieve that definite goal.
It is easier to be persistent in the journey towards achieving a definite goal, which you have a roadmap for. In the event that you encounter hardships along the way which is most likely to occur, you will have the power not to give up when you know your definite goal and your roadmap.
3. Do the work
You might have clear goals and definite roadmap, but if you don’t actually start doing the work, you will never be a go-getter. Most of us spend our lifetime, visualizing in our minds great ideas and plans that could work but we never put them to action. You will later see someone who actually took initiative and implemented their thoughts, and then you will be telling people of how you had actually thought about such a thing. Well, it’s nice that you ever thought of something practical but now you are left to only see it happen by someone else.
Take initiative, and actually do something every day about your goals. Having a daily action plan would be the game changer in this.
To conclude, be clear about what you really want, plan how to get it, and actually work towards achieving it. If one of these three is missing, that's why you're not a go-getter and you need to start mastering those three steps and it's all you'll ever need to master.
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