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A law in Physics that can be applied in daily lives. Can you guess it? If not, just peep in here.
Date Posted:
9/18/2011 11:36:51 AM
Posted By: Wishstar Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 7507
With a confident voice (though not so good breath) I answered. The basic law of magnetism states that UNLIKE poles attract while LIKE poles repel. I entered the class of which I didn't concentrate that much because of the food I had eaten- 'ugali' and 'mduya' (in case you are wondering, this is cooked beans which has been crushed without its seed coat). I will give you the method of preparation if you ask. Due to those circumstances, I don't think I would ever forget that law.
To the topic of discussion now. This law of magnetism has been there for a longtime. It has been used mostly in science. Altering that law a little bit and applying it to daily life situations can be of benefit to most of us. It can improve on some sectors where some of us have gone wrong.
Let us break this law of magnetism into two part:
i. Unlike poles attract
ii. Like poles repel
let us remove the part of magnetism and replace it with human.
This are the situations in which the law may fit into real life situations
When to apply the part of unlike poles attract
1. Between male and female- this is in case of relationships that would lead to marriage.
2. Between family and non family members- this is in case of relationships leading to marriage-to avoid incest
3. Between young and old- this is for the old to pass their wisdom, knowledge and experience to the young.
4. Between clever and the not so clever ( I don't like calling people foolish)- This is if the not so clever person is willing to learn from the clever and consider them as their guider
5. Between white and black (in terms of people)- this is in order to eliminate discrimination of people based on their skin colour)
6. Between fire and water (fire symbolizes anger, water symbolizes calmness)- fire+fire=bigger fire. Fire+water=smaller fire or eliminate fire. Hope you get the point....more to come soon
when to apply like poles repel... To continued. Including... When to alter the law.
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