Date Posted: 11/13/2019 3:59:39 AM
Posted By: Burchris Membership Level: Bronze Total Points: 32
IT IS said that experience is the best teacher but you can teachyourself from the experiences of others. This becomes more poignantwhen it comes to selling difficult products and services likeinsurance, new brands and for good measure, pricey merchandise.AT ONE time, I recruited to sell beverage coolers in a big city butgave up even without trying; selling yoghurt in the streets and morerecently, marketing a new college. I came to realize that the lastthing a good number of people are willing to part with next to theirlife is cash.A CHINK IN THE ARMOURIt has to be said that to win a contest, identify your opponents weakpoints. To add to this, I have made the observation that a good numberof buyers can sniff a desperate seller from a distance. The washed outlook; the withering frown and the wavering confidence.THOSE who have been in the trenches testify to the fact that its notall about what you are selling, but how and who is selling it.The mundane issues of presentability, poise and confidence have to bestated here.IF YOU are are a poor observer, you are a cut below the marketingrace. What does it involve. A bit of something you know and somethingyou don't know. With regard to the former, spot those who slow theirsteps on seeing your products as well as those whose gaze is fixed onyour items. With regard to the latter, look behind you to spot thoselooking over their shoulder, win their attention and try to close up asale. Enough said.IN THE long run, you won't go far unless you identify the missing link.THE MISSING LINKThe time when you launched to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram tomarket your goods is not on your side by the look of the onlinemarketplace bursting at the seams with offers. The essence of thisassertion is that things sold online eventually end offline. Thereality is, you have to start from where you are.The missing link is when you approach that fellow with an old shoewith a new cheap brand of polish; when you listen to people talkingabout challenges and tap this knowledge to sell your product; when youprofile and subtly follow disillusioned customers from stores offeringyour product; learning the weaknesses of existing products andidentifying those with worn out items or out of servicewith regard to what you are offering.ONE thing most are unaware of is that the power of observation runsboth ways like we saw at the beginning of this article. Its time tobrand yourself.THE VISUAL UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSALWhen people remember seeing you half an hour later after passing yougo town, when people can see you as a tree go the forest of people,you have a brand. The onus is on you to create one, tailor made toreinforce the product you are selling. It could be the company overallyou are wearing advertising your wares.A GRIEVOUS mistake that many sellers make is to label those who ignore youas frogs and those who pay attention as princes.WHY DID THEY IGNORE YOU?It could be things beyond your control like poor attitude or simplynot interested; it could be your approach - don't talk to those whoappear busy; it could be the set up, some people like to buy thingsdiscreetly away from prying eyes. Others have sob stories from similarencounters. As you fine tune your intuition to tackle these issues,your expertise will increase as you rev up your observational prowess.WHENEVER, you encounter there challenges, a quick issuance of abusiness card complete with your photo and contacts and this coupledwith your visual brand which should include some posters in permittedplaces will work for future reference. Those not converted today areyour seed for tomorrows customers.I have to sign off by stating that you should be interesting, evenentertaining to achieve subconscious impressions to rope futurebuyers.THE frogs of today will turn into the princes of tomorrow at last.
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