Date Posted: 1/22/2021 12:56:37 AM
Posted By: celestinemuchika Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 625
Curriculum is the main source of information to both teachers and students. It includes the subject matter from which students develop knowledge, skills and abilities. The information should be arranged systematically to facilitate learning. The following are the common types of curriculum:1). SPIRAL CURRICULUMThis is a way of arranging complex subject matter for learning and instruction. For instance in elementary school, the students learn in simple content but in the subsequent years they learn complex contents.During the course of study, students go deeper into the subject matter and studies different aspects of it. A year's work in a subject may be spread over several years in terms of increasing maturity of students.2). LINEAR CURRICULUMThis is classified into two namely;a. Horizontal curriculumb. Vertical curriculumHORIZONTAL CURRICULUMThis refers to correlation of contents in different subject at a particular standard grade in order to strength a particular content. For instance, whatever content is learned in class four mathematics should relate to whatever content learned in science in the same class at the same year. It leads to more unified and integration view of learning by students.Content in one subject may reinforce content in the other subject.VERTICAL CURRICULUMIt is the sequencing of contents across grades, classes. For example, content in lower classes are strengthened with advanced contents in higher classes. The level of complexity of contents increases with a grade or class. Any omission of contents in previous years will create difficulty in understanding contents in successive years.3). PYRAMIDAL CURRICULUMIn this type of curriculum, subject learned at lower classes will be studied at higher classes deeply. When students go higher, broader area of the subject becomes narrower thus the curriculum goes from broad area to a topic in upper classes.4). CONCENTRIC CURRICULUMThis is a way of arranging complex subject matter for learning and instruction. It's similar to spiral curriculum in the fact that simple concepts are arranged in the lower grades and difficult concepts arranged in higher grades.
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