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Vitiligo, a condition confused as burns from fire.


Date Posted: 10/11/2011 3:15:37 AM

Posted By: SimonMburu  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 838

Maybe you have come across a person whose skin has patches that look like fire burns, not all these patches are fire burns some are caused by a condition called vitiligo. Vitiligo is a condition that causes patches on the skin due to dysfunction or death of the cells that cause skin pigmentation called melanocytes. The cause of this condition is yet to be known, but researchers say that it may originate from autoimmune which is genetic, or oxidative stress which is neural or viral related.

Symptoms are mainly small patches on the skin but they often enlarge and change shape with time, this maybe observed on the face, hands and sometimes wrists.

Treatment is divided into categories depending with the severity of the condition. Some common treatment methods are;

UVB(Ultraviolet B) Phototherapy-This is a simple method where UVB light from UVB lamps is used by exposing the skin to that light, the treatment can be done at home or at clinics.
Skin camouflage-This is good for mild cases and makeup is used to cover the part of the skin that is affected.

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