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How to bake a cake using a jiko


Date Posted: 10/17/2011 8:19:03 AM

Posted By: Raychelle  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 184

Many of us savor the taste of cakes.They can be prepared in any Kenyan home during special occasions or as a breakfast accompaniment.Being able to bake cakes at home will enable one to have fresh, cheap cakes in addition to their high nutritional value.What's more?Kids will love you for sweetening their lives.Now here is a simple recipe for a small cake.You can slowly increase the ingredients for bigger cakes or alter some ingredients for varied tastes.

2 cups of flour
1 small cup of sugar
250 grams margarine
4 eggs
1/2 litre of milk

A plastic basin
2 tablespoons
A sieve that is widely spaced
A sufuria
A platter
A sufuria lid
A deep bowl
A fork

Sieve the two cups of flour into the plastic basin making sure to enhance its airing.Add the cup of sugar and mix.Take two spoonfuls of margarine and beat it into a soft mixture. Create a well in the middle of the plastic basin.Beat the four eggs in the bowl till they form large bubbles.Add them into the well and mix.Add milk consistently.When the dough becomes of dropping consistency,stop adding the milk.Make sure the dough is not lumpy.Line the sufuria using margarine.Spread the mixture on the base of the sufuria which is now your baking tin.Spread the mixture evenly.Cover the sufuria using the lid.Light your jiko till the charcoal is at maximum combustion.Fetch some hot charcoal and place it on the lid.Place the mixture on the jiko and give it time,around fifteen minutes.If the mixture emits a sweet smell then open the lid a little to check if it has turned brown.To ensure the cake is cooked inside,stick a fork in it.If the fork comes out dry then your cake is well cooked.Remove it from the jiko and overturn it on to a platter.Let your cake cool down.You can have it with milk or juice,whichever your preference.

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