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Careers versus talent, which is superior?
Date Posted:
4/12/2012 8:12:48 AM
Posted By: SimonMburu Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 838
their practical solutions and actions transform visions into realities and they are of great importance in an organization especially when possessed by the leader.
2. Diamond talents-This is the ability to think outside the box and create new innovations, ideas and solutions. People who possess this talent are able to make the impossible possible and come up with great and unique ideas which are of great importance to the individual or the organization.
3. Heart talents-As the word suggests, people possessing this talent are very good in building relationships and they make the power of a team work. They have a keen ability of sensing people's needs and respond to them. They are very good in mediating.
4. Club talent- The ability to make tough decisions and risk failure just to bring new ideas into reality, individuals possessing this talent have the ability to launch new initiatives.
The debate between talent and career is still boiling and parents are preferring education to talents for their kids, others are saying that careers waste a lot of time in school unlike a talent whereby the owner becomes successful after a short time time of practice. The truth shall remain in that some talents need education to be discovered while others come without.
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