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Crime and Administration of Justice


Date Posted: 4/28/2012 4:28:52 AM

Posted By: bony maurice  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 214

Marxism is an ideology coined by Karl Marx. Marx is regarded as one of the most influential person in the world to date. This ideology came as a result of observing how the doing business was unfavorable and was tilted to one side. Marx spent time studying this mode of transacting business and finally came with an alternative system which he thought would play a great role in trying to bridge the gap between the haves and have not.

In the pre-industrial period, as noted by Karl Marx, the people who owned the means of production and controlled business were referred to as the aristocrats, while those provided labor were called the workers. Later on, in the post-industrial period the person who owned these means of production were referred to as the bourgeois while those who provide labor were referred to as the proletariats. The world by then was pursuing capitalistic system of doing business. This is where one does business trio accumulates profit. Since the bourgeois are the ones who own these means of production, for example land and factories continue to become rich while the proletariat either stagnates at the same economic level or their fortunes dwindle, this is as a result of lack of any substantial ownership of any means of production. Due to this, the society becomes stratified along classes on the one hand those who have and on the other those who have-not.

In kill me quick, Meja Mwangi has put these two characters, Meja and Maina in some circumstances that are disadvantaged. Maina completes his a-levels and passes but his family which is poor is not able to pay for

his university education. The family has so much hope in him ,believing that he gets a good education he might come to rescue them from the yoke of poverty.
Education, in African community is viewed to be the liberator from the poor ways of life. Education would earn one employment and a good pay in the end. After Maina gets second division school certificate, he expected he could get a job and earn six to seven hundred shillings a month, and then he would get a house, a radio and good clothes and food. When he tried to get a job they asked him what his qualification was and before he could finish he would be asked to get out and no jobs were available. It is because of unemployment that made Maina join the Razors Gang.

Peer pressure is another thing that leads to crime, when people of common interest meet they tend to engage in activities that are outlawed. This is evident in Meja’s book, kill me quick. Maina is introduced to the gang by razor that they were with in some class, standard one many years ago. After asking him what work he was doing and not being in any gang, he decided to introduce him to his gang which contained other members like crusher and sweeper among others.
The expectations of life may also lead to crime. The society expects a lot from an individual especially if it has invested in him or her. The individual has also a lot of expectations in themselves. Meja and Maina are educated by their parents. The society expected that the education that they had received will enable their children to get employment then liberate them from poverty, and be able to educate their younger siblings thus resulting into various crimes.
The class systems that differentiate the people on the quantity of they live also can cause crime. In contrasting the man’s house in relation to the shanties were first find out that the man was dressed in a blue suit while the gangs were in rags. His house was a mansion directly opposite the bus stop, the city in itself was sky-crapped. Unlike the houses in the shanty which were made from paper, mud, tins and anything else. The house contained sofas on which the man placed packages while the suit coat is on the door. The Compound was fenced with a five foot thorn hedge which had recently been pruned. On the other had the shanties to Maina’s surprise were thrown together in no particular pattern. They were so closely built that form the top of the rise where Maina briefly stopped with razor to gaze at the view before them; they looked like a dump full of papers and shinning tin. Humming noise floating form the shanties was the only proof that there were people within unlike in the city where it was quiet. The breath of the shanties is felt to be heavy with the smell of smoke, urine and other countless odors unlike in the man’s mansion which had fresh air.

The gang was established by razor. The room of the gang was a hut, it was dark inside to the extent that Maina could hardly see. The hut had no chairs so the members of the gang sat on crates with only one bed in which the master sat on. The gang has a member named Sarah, the only lady in the group. Crusher who was a mono-eyed, thin and frail, did not did not look like he could crush an egg with a ten pound mallet. He was dressed in a faded red or brown sports–shirt and old jeans, his sheen was clean shaven, his hair dirty and wavy, the Professor who had a bald head, he was roughly dressed, the Sweeper. The gang was organized and had rules which are evident because when the razor stood to talk all kept quiet and also he questioned why the hosted a meeting without notifying him yet he was their leader.

The group has engaged in various crimes to the extent that they cannot meet with the police, thus they see committing crime as a passion and occupation. When Maina joins the group the other members tend to object saying that the other friend of razor had spied them to the police. Two of the members were hanged while the rest were jailed for two years. Another activity is the pick-pocketing of the man and the theft of the milk.

Administration of justice is the right and fair behavior or treatment in accordance with the laws governing a particular place or event. The administration of justice is administered through sentences being hanged or jailed if found guilty of the charge convicted for. If found not guilty the individuals are let free. In Meja’s book, Kill Me Quick, the court case is symbolic of what happens in our society. The courts are used as scapegoats by the rich while the poor are the ones who suffer at the expense of the rich. Meja is sentenced to one year and six months for entering and breaking and robbing while people like Mr. Brown exploited the workers while they were not put on trial, Meja, now a prisoner had no clothes and was crudely dressed in an old blanket. This shows that the court system does not offer freedom to its people. A court is expected to offer justice to all people but the courts in kill me quick favor the rich and oppress the poor.

The prison system is symbolic of a university. Meja and Maina stayed in cell number 9999. It is evident from the text that Meja is released on completing his term. He does not stay long without being brought back of which the prison warder is surprised by the boy. The prison is expected to be a tool of reform for the prisoners but it only increases the urge to more criminal acts.

Justice delayed is justice denied. The police are individuals who enforce the law in a particular country. The police in kill me quick tend to protect the bourgeois because they are the ones who employed them. This is evident when the people of eastern avenue complain of the disappearance of the milk after delivery. The police run first into action to handle the situation so as not to lose their jobs ending up to Maina’s arrest. This is not the case when the poor are exploited, they a left to suffer alone. For example when Mr. Brown exploits Maina and Meja at the farm the police do not arrest him since he is popular and powerful.

To sum up, administration of justice should not be done in in corrupt and manner suggesting should not divide people by their financial capabilities but

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