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The con games that criminals love to play.
Date Posted:
7/2/2012 4:32:52 PM
Posted By: meg soni Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 2477
only notice long after they have left it was ridiculous to believe in a complete stranger.You let them use your phone,even when they stepped out of the room feigning network failure you did not panic,they had charmed you completely.Beware of a stranger asking you personal questions.Do not give your house number,bank account details or other personal information to strangers.
You can make yourself less vulnerable to con artists by doing the following:
1.Do not announce your neediness;Con artists seek out the needy.To avoid being and looking needy,plan and order your life and especially where spending your money on big ticket items like a house or land are concerned.
2.Do your research;Find out the average price of what you want to buy.Talk to authorities in the field;surveyors if it is land, mechanics for a car and realtors for a house.Take your time within reason.
3.Use professionals;Avoid brokers,try as much as possible to deal with owners or professional managers.Use your lawyers and avoid cutting deals without them.It will cost but it is a price worth paying.
4.Be composed and confident;Walking around looking confused or unsure marks you out for swindling.
5.Use referrals;If your friend has recently bought a house or a car and the deal went through smoothly asking him/her to refer you to those dealers because they are tried and tested.
Report any cases of conning to the police to and arrest and save someone else from a similar experience.
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