Date Posted: 8/16/2012 10:47:38 PM
Posted By: mwalim Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 181
When does education startand end? That is a questionthat manypeople try to answer andmaybe, without the correctanswer. Some willsay that education startswhen one joins a school andleave after thecourse is complete. Forexample when one joinprimary school, proceedto secondary school, andthen to university of college,he or she canbe said to be through with theprocess of education. Education is a life-longprocess. It start when one isborn andlast for a life-time. Humanbeings are born with thecapacity to learnand acquire knowledge. Whena child is born, it start bylearning thenew things outside the womb.That is, language, peoplearound and theenvironment. This continuesthroughout the life of thatchild.Aristotle once said that,"education is the bestprovision for journeyto old age." He understoodthat education is a life-longprocess. In school,where manypeople think that educationstarts and doesthere, one gets thefundamental knowledge andthe best methods ofacquiring knowledge. Schoolstrains the mind and makes itget used tocontinuous and applicationand study. An engineer gainsthe basics ofengineering in school butgains more knowledge as heor she encountersproblems related to thecareer in the field. Gibbon, a great historiansaid that, "every person hastwoeducations: one which hereceives from others andone, more important,which he gives himself."according to this, you candiscoverfacts,that is education, byyourself of gain from others.Selfdiscovered education is moreimportant that the one that ispassed toyou from others. It can be concluded thateducation, the most vitalaspect of humanbeing, is life long process. Itstarts after birth and endsbeforedeath.
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