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Tips on when to use waterproof cosmetics.
Date Posted:
8/18/2012 3:31:06 PM
Posted By: meg soni Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 2477
not clump during application.It is harder to comb away the clumps than regular mascara formulas.At the end of the day,it is important to remove all make up before going to bed to avoid break outs on your skin and breakage of your eyelashes.
Waterproof make up can be more challenging to remove,since washing with water is not enough.Look for make up remover that is specifically designed to remove waterproof make up.Also note that the make up remover that you use on your eyes should not be used on the rest of your face.You will probably need two types of removers to get all of your daily products cleaned away.Baby oil can also make an effective eye make up remover.Put a bit on a cotton pad and gently wipe your lids and lashes in a downward direction until every bit of eye shadow and mascara has come off.
Make up removal tips
1.Invest in a good,oil free eye make up remover.Keep in mind that there are products out there are products out there that should not go near your eyes,so to be on the safe side,use something specifically made to remove eye make up.
2.If you are looking for a cheap,safe,quick and easy eye make up remover,go for baby shampoo.All you have to do is splash some warm water on your eyes,put a tiny bit of shampoo on your fingers and rub them on your eyes.Olive oil also removes waterproof mascara very easily.
3.Using petroleum jelly to to remove eye make up works even better than chemical removers and it does not sting if it gets into your eye.Simply put some on the end of a cotton bud and use it to get off that eyeliner.However,keep in mind that this works best with regular make uo and may not be very effective with waterproof brands.
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