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How to prepare peanuts for any home cooking
Date Posted:
8/22/2012 2:31:58 PM
Posted By: Razen Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 3454
can make peanut yogurt, peanut butter, peanut cakes etc
Procedure: put a frying pan on the stove and let it heat up. Add about 30 grams of cooking fat and let it melt till silence. Add a reasonable amount of peanuts and cook until brown. Note: peanuts that still have the taste can't turn brown. You need to peal several nuts to act as your readiness guide.
*do not consume hot peanuts. They induce indigestion.
* do not add water to raw cold peanuts. This increases elasticity. Elastic peanuts cannot cook properly.
* do not leave peanuts on the floor for a long time, they return to a state of being raw.
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