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Poultry management tips(Disease management)
Date Posted:
8/31/2012 5:14:15 AM
Posted By: Kitavi Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 1987
past of the day, either early morning or late evening. Before vaccination always ensure that there are sufficient doses to cover the flock and that the birds are healthy. Also ensure that the vaccines have not expired.
It is also important to purchase your chicks from a hatchery where the vaccination history of parents is available as this determines the level of protection the chicks have acquired from their parents and the vaccination program to follow. For example, due to the high maternal antibodies in the chicks, it is important that the first gumboro vaccination is not done before 10 days of age as the maternal antibodies would neutralize the vaccine, leaving the chicks unprotected. Such hatcheries would also ensure that the appropriate day-old vaccinations are done effectively.
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