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Africa the dustbin of western countries
Date Posted:
9/5/2012 8:01:47 AM
Posted By: warira Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 1095
don’t mind being a dump site the western countries have gone further in dumping hazardous products in the continent. For instance there is the infamous ‘Trafigura case’ in which a Dutch company through an African contractor dumped toxic waste in Ivory coast. This was the cheapest and easiest option for them because their country it is a very expensive affair and environmental agencies are very strict in dumping of wastes. The dumping in Ivory coast led to a few deaths and very many cases of health complications. It goes without saying that Africans don’t value themselves as well as their continent.
We need to change our mindsets and refuse to be a dump site. This is where our governments come in, they should come up with security laws, waste management and other regulatory mechanisms in curbing this menace. They should only allow such stuff which is in good condition and harmless to the human being as well as the environment. As individuals we should start being consumers of our own products and we will not have a reason to go for second hand imported stuff. Second hand commodities are cheap neither should we forget that cheap is expensive in the long run.
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