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Importance of a Computer Standing Desk
Date Posted:
10/10/2012 4:06:48 PM
Posted By: sashoo Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 382
interfere with you while you’re seated. To them, you’re just seated, and that’s reason enough for someone to want to “chat” with you while you’re working.
According to research, sitting all day has its own price to pay — particularly so if your sitting posture is poor; any prolonged lean-overs while seated should interfere with your spinal cord. Typically, you should sit with your back straight. Even so, sitting for long periods of time (usually more than two hours) is not recommended. While standing the whole day is not recommended either, you can mix standing plus sitting, with more time channeled at standing. No wonder you need a standing desk.
The drill actually is to stand for longer periods than sitting for longer periods. To make it clear, the ratio of standing to sitting should be 8:2, or anywhere near that. Having said this, you should look to have a standing desk, besides having a sitting desk. Plus use the standing desk more than the sitting desk.
Standing desks can be improvised. Some can be bought, though. The most important thing is to ensure that the keyboard tray is placed on the same level, or a little lower, than your elbows. As well, your monitor should be in direct contact with your eyes. You don’t want your head and neck overworked, right?
Hopefully, the information above was informative — but feel free to leave comments.
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