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How to pray efficiently


Date Posted: 10/11/2012 2:49:17 PM

Posted By: Razen  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 3454

How to pray.

Praying is speaking with God. Prayers unlike short messages or calls do not need any device to be conveyed to the creator. You only need to be yourself and you are ready to pray. Praying can be done anywhere, anytime and by anyone. Though praying is seen as simple and straightforward, sometimes we mess up the whole thing and end up not conveying our message to our creator. In all religions, prayers are a vital part and those who do not pray are believed to be sinners.
All religions pay close attention to praying, irrespective of who/what the prayers are conveyed to.
Christians pray to God, Muslims pray to Allah and monks worship Buddha.

During prayers, you need to observe the following simple guidelines.

Do not use a language you cannot fully understand.
-God hears every language spoken in this universe, even languages spoken by animals and insects. So, whichever language you use during prayers, ensure you are fluent and conversant. Some people believe only prayers in English are heard and/or listened to but be informed it's not the truth. Use your mother tongue or any other language you are good at. Using a language you have not fully mastered will cause you to forget the reasons/needs you wanted to inform God about and also waste time.

Be straightforward and outspoken!
-God knows what you need, why and when you need something. All you need to do in prayers is remind him about it. That laptop, the fees, the rent, the customers, etc, you only need to ask/remind him about it and he will do it. Some people will not ask for their needs in a direct form. Example, Joan in his prayers asked God for a wife. So he prayed.

oh God in heaven, you know very well that cooking and washing is not

fun to me. I have been round the planet but have not found rest. I no longer want to wash or cook but I need to eat and put on clean clothes father. Jesus I beg you, do something. I hope you do it soon because am giving up. Amen.

Seriously, did Joan mention he needed a wife? I think telling God that it's time to marry so to provide a responsible wife is sufficient. Being straightforward if the idea here. Jesus told his disciples to pray:

Matthew 6:10-13.
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Straightforward praying is useful and efficient. I remember well one day dining at a friends house. The wife of the friend was asked to pray for the dinner but to my surprise, we ate cold food because she prayed for about 3 hours. She prayed:

" Father, I thank you for our health. I know we haven't done anything special to be here, Oh God. I pray for all the sick people in Nairobi women's hospital, father. I pray for all the sick in ward 1 oh God, heal them and bless them father. I also pray for the patients in ward 2 oh God." Ward 3...ward 4....ward 5.... The prayer went on. She went round hospitals before going to orphanages and schools. Seriously, is this the way to prayers?
The simple praying format is observed in the above quoted verse (mat. 6:10-13)

Thank and Glorify God
Ask for daily food, shelter and clothing.
Ask for forgiveness
Ask for protection
Pray for other special needs
Glorify and praise God

Lengthy prayers are sufficient during fasting and before special events to plead for God's love, favor, forgiveness, etc and not during meals, parades, opening meetings, etc.

One top secret about God
God loves praises and worship. The bible says that angels and The 24 men around the throne of God worship him all day long.

One top secret about prayers
Praying does not please the devil at all, in fact you strengthen your enmity with him because you strengthen your friendship with your creator.

Praying should not only be done during our darkest hours but also during our brightest moments.. Pray pray pray. Someone needs your prayers.


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