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How Minimalists live painlessly with pre-eminence just by owning less
Date Posted:
10/16/2012 3:54:00 PM
Posted By: Geekeijoe Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 453
the third place, own less, live painlessly. They would get one smaller car and save gas, live in smaller houses and after paying rent, save to invest; they will no longer need to increase mortgage, they would even take mini retirements, these “minimalists” would even walk to work and eat less. They even don’t care about losing friends as for their friends they will term them to be crazy. Whatever they had with friends that would in return be an expense, they will stop at nothing to give it up, they now enjoy free entertainments; watching free programs, playing free computer games and will be staying indoors, this they call it “pain less life“all the same in their frugally life, they will always plan ahead.
Lastly, minimalism is technology friendly. They say”technology makes minimalism easy” it is true, as a matter of fact with technology you do not have to own many books, simply, you can scan them and be reading them from your computer; instead of having many photo albums, you can keep your photos digitally, moreover, with technology you don’t need to buy a newspaper every morning, you can read it online.
On the whole you can have a simple and less complicating life. People who lead this kind of life, “minimalists”, have less to worry about; all they have is within their reach at all times unlike those who lead expensive lives and own lots of properties. “Minimalists” have time for their families and also ample time to rest.
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