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Kenyatta University Applications for Open and Distance Learning Undergraduate Programmes
Date Posted:
10/23/2012 12:03:45 AM
Posted By: marto Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 2900
Non-East Africans Kshs. 100,000/- p.a.
Statutory fees Kshs19,400/- p.a.
Mean grade of C+ (plus) at KCSE or equivalent OR Mean grade of C (plain) at KCSE or
equivalent with ECE Diploma from a recognized institution or P1 certificate and two (2) years relevant experience.
Bachelor of Education (Special Education) Students will specialize in any of these areas:
Emotional and Behavior Disorder, Physical and other Handicaps, Mental Retardation and Pervasive Development Disorder, Learning Disabilities.
Tuition fees –
• East Africans Kshs. 70,000/- p.a.
• Non-East Africans Kshs. 100,000/- p.a.
Statutory fees Kshs19,400/- p.a.
Mean grade of C+(plus) at KCSE or equivalent with atleast C+ in one of the following subjects;
English/Kiswahili, Math/Biology and any Arts subjects OR Mean grade of C (plain) at KCSE, or division III at equivalent or one(1) Principal and one(1) Subsidiary at KACE and be holders of P1,S1 or Diploma in Special Education credentials from a recognized institution, with at least two(2) years teaching experience after
Bachelor of Education (Arts):
Geography, CRE, Islamic Studies,
Kiswahili, History, English, Business
studies, Mathematics and Literature.
NB: Two Teaching subjects and
Education units are done in this
degree programme.
Tuition fees –
• East Africans Kshs. 70,000/- p.a.
• Non-East Africans Kshs. 100,000/- p.a.
Statutory fees Kshs19,400/- p.a.
Mean grade of C+ (plus) at KCSE or equivalent
with at least C+ (plus) or equivalent in two
subjects of career choice OR Mean grade of
C (Plain) at KCSE or Division III at KCE or
equivalent or one (1) Principal and one (1)
Subsidiary at KACE and be holders of P1, S1,
or Diploma in Education from a recognized
Institution with at least two (2) years teaching
experience after training.
Bachelor of Education (Science):
Mathematics, Biology (Zoology,
Botany),Geography , Physics ,
NB: Two Teaching subjects and
Education units are done in this
degree programme.
Tuition fees –
• East Africans Kshs. 75,000/- p.a.
• Non-East Africans Kshs. 106,250/-
Statutory fees Kshs19, 400/- p.a.
Mean grade of C+ (plus) at KCSE or equivalent
with at least C+ (plus) or equivalent in two
subjects of choice and C (plain) or equivalent
in Mathematics OR Mean grade of C (Plain) at
KCSE or Div. III at KCE or equivalent with P1
Certificate or Diploma in Science Education
or KACE with two (2) principals and one (1)
subsidiary with at least two (2) years teaching
experience. In addition, applicants must have
obtained Grade C (plain) or equivalent in
Mathematics at KCSE.
Diploma in Disaster Management
Tuition fees -
• East Africans Kshs. 52,000/- p.a.
• Non-East Africans Kshs. 75,000/- p.a.
Statutory fees Kshs. 19,400/- p.a.
Mean grade of C (Plain) at KCSE or Division
III OR Mean grade of C- (Minus) at KCSE or
equivalent with a Certificate in the relevant area.
Diploma in Crime Management and
Tuition fees -
• East Africans Kshs. 52,000/- p.a.
• Non-East Africans Kshs. 75,000/- p.a.
Statutory fees Kshs. 19,400/- p.a.
Mean grade of C (Plain) at KCSE or equivalent
OR Mean grade of C- (Minus) or equivalent with
a Certificate in the relevant area.
Bachelor of (Arts):
Geography, History, English, Literature,
Kiswahili, CRE, Islamic Studies,
Mathematics, Business Studies.
NB: Three subjects are done in this
Degree Programme.
Tuition fees –
• East Africans Kshs. 70,000/- p.a.
• Non-East Africans Kshs. 100,000/- p.a.
Statutory fees Kshs19,400/- p.a.
Mean grade of C+ (plus) at KCSE or equivalent
with at least C+ or equivalent in three subjects
chosen from English, Kiswahili, History and
Government, Geography, Mathematics,
Christian Religious Education, Islamic Religious
Education, French German, Music, Hindu
Religious Education.
Bachelor of Science (Tourism
Tuition fees -
• East Africans Kshs. 75,000/- p.a.
• Non-East Africans Kshs. 106,250/- p.a.
Statutory fees Kshs19, 400/- p.a.
Mean grade of C+ (Plus) at KCSE or equivalent
with at least C+ (Plus) or equivalent in any three
(3) of the following subjects: English/Kiswahili/
Foreign Languages; Biology/Biological Sciences;
Geography/History; Business Studies OR Mean
grade of C (plain) at KCSE or equivalent with
a Diploma of credit pass from a recognized
institution and two (2) years work experience.
Bachelor of Commerce.
Students will specialize in any of the
following areas: Accounting , Finance,
Marketing , Human Resource
Management , and Management
Tuition fees -
• East Africans Kshs. 75,000/- p.a.
• Non-East Africans Kshs. 106,250/- p.a.
Statutory fees Kshs19, 400/- p.a.
Mean grade of C+ (plus) or equivalent with
at least C (plain) in Mathematics and English
or Advanced Level Certificate with two (2)
principals and one (1) subsidiary with a credit
pass in Mathematics at ‘O’ Level certificate
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