Date Posted: 11/5/2012 2:44:06 PM
Posted By: Robinoxd Membership Level: Bronze Total Points: 45
Demographics indicate that the prevalence of weight-related disorders varies with sex, age, economic and social standing as well as race. Reports show that among adults, nearly thirty eight percent of women are likely to be obese, compared to thirty percent of men. The percentage of obesity surges as people get older; those aged fifty five and above are twice as likely to be overweight as individuals in their twenties. Caucasian and African American men have the same rate of obesity; however, Caucasian women are half as likely to be obese at middle age as compared to African American men. The same proportion is accurate for socioeconomic status. Individuals in the lower proportion of income and educational distribution are twofold as likely to be weighty in comparison to individuals with higher income and more education. Obesity is an issue for the underprivileged in developed countries and the rich in developing countries. Nutrition-related disorders are caused by a myriad of factors including; genetic make-up, lifestyle, social-cultural factors and medication. Tests conducted by researchers department of health and human services indicate that some individuals are born with an inherent predisposition to become overweight.Research conducted using genetically altered mice produced results that indicate that genes have a role to play in the later development of an individual. The past couple of years have witnessed rapid changes in the social and cultural lifestyles of Americans. Nutritional disorders have been blamed on social-economic development and urbanization. Factors that have promoted the sedentary lifestyle enjoyed by most Americans include;1. Increased access to motorized transport2. Diminished opportunities for recreational physical activity3. Addiction to television4. Greater quantities and variety of energy dense foods available5. Rising use of soft drinks to replace water6. Attraction to fast food diets etc. Inadvertently, the use of certain medications such as antidepressant, lithium, steroid hormones and anti-psychotic medications increase the likelihood of obesity.
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