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The current situation of refugees in Kenya.
Date Posted:
11/5/2012 7:50:51 PM
Posted By: warira Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 1095
the camps and move into our towns and cities.
2. There is also increased tension in the North Eastern Province between the refugees and the locals. Cases of armed banditry and cattle rustling are on rise. There are clashes between the refugees and the locals over the few resources, grazing areas, water boreholes and food donations. The locals feel that the refugees are taking what belongs to them while the refugees are of the view that the locals are discriminatory and selfish.
3. There is a clash of cultures leading to the corruption of the morals of the local youth and emergence of immoral activities. This is due to the large number of refugees from different countries and foreign staff working in the camps. We have heard of how young girls hawk their bodies in the towns to get food rations and other basic needs, of how young girls are being married off to foreigners and so many other social vices you can think of. Whenever two cultures come together without the view of accommodating each other conflicts are bound to arise which leads to their erosion as they compete.
4.Environmental damage. If you take a good look at the camps you will realize that there is a lot of pollution in the camps. There are no proper sanitation facilities hence the common outbreaks of communicable diseases. There are no proper waste disposal systems and the camps are sore sight of litter. It is my fear that the place will be more of a desert than it is now due to the depletion of grazing areas, clearing of land for settlement and depletion of water resources.
5. Corruption is prevalent in the camps. We have heard that some of the donations do not reach the refugees as they are usually sold to business people who sell the commodities to the general public. There have also been cases of Kenyan citizens living in the camps so that they can benefit from the donations at the expense of the refugees. There is also the misappropriation of fund meant for the rehabilitation of these camps.
In light of the above it goes without saying that we us a country we need to change how we are dealing with the refugee situation.
- First and foremost the location of the camps should be looked into. This will help in reducing conflicts among the locals and refugees and in ensuring that the natural resources will be able to sustain the population.
- The issue of security should be looked into; there is need to have a strict security system to curb the influx of the refugees at the borders.
- The public should be sensitized on the refugee law so that their rights may be respected by law.
- There is need to come up with new policies on refugees so that we can be in line with the international standards.
- We should not look at refugees as a liability but as a valuable asset. This is because they bring in economic benefits and promote our status to the world as a secure and safe country.
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