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God is love; the fact that he is love doesn't mean that He will hear you if you disobey Him
Date Posted:
11/11/2012 11:19:27 PM
Posted By: fly1234 Membership Level: Bronze Total Points: 15
want His promises, we have to obey Him first.
Did you know that you can compel God to do something in your life? Most people think that we can never command God to do our wishes. Because He is faithful, He does not lie, when we obey Him and ask something from Him, He will surely do it because He has no option of refusing. It is like a contract signed. When we establish a covenant or contract with God, as long as we do not breach the regulations, He will remain faithful, thus compelling Him to honor His word.
The problem with most of us is that we are never patient enough. We come to His family, the next minute we are out of his family due to the cares of this world. It is actually our sin that prevents Him from listening to us.
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