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The place of the elderly in Kenya
Date Posted:
11/17/2012 6:24:40 AM
Posted By: Mrs kihara Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 543
The urban dwellers hardly ever visit the countryside.They claim that the elderly are dirty,backward,ignorant and a nuisance.The elders are no longer treated with respected or addressed with politeness.They are insulted as if surviving into old age is a crime.These elders are a valuable resource from which our societies can greatly benefit.
The mere fact that they have lived that long is a testimony to their survival skills.Living long means seeing much. Our elders are walking encyclopedias and libraries of knowledge.If we ignore them,we are the losers.Every old person who dies with his/her wisdom is a treasure house buried with all its contents.The elderly should be accorded the respect they deserve.The sooner we learn to accept our elders and live with the elderly in mutual respect and cooperation,the better it will be for everyone.
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