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Dear Kenyans,elections will come and go but Kenya will remain.


Date Posted: 11/17/2012 1:24:58 PM

Posted By: Joemakeit  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 2907

Elections are a democratic process where the citizens exercise their right to elect their leaders.Elections are held after a given period of time.In Kenya,elections are held after every five years.Kenyans actively and directly participate in electing leaders who assume office for a period of five years.It is said that politics is a dirty game.

In Kenya,that statement holds water.Before,during and after the elections,political temperatures rise.It becomes a fight of us versus them.People align themselves along tribal lines.Tribes join hands to 'win' elections.People identify themselves with political parties led by leaders from their tribes.The true meaning of elections is lost.

Elections are turned from a process of electing the right leaders into an unhealthy competition.Friends turn into enemies,peace is kicked out of the window and in comes violence.People,all of a sudden,forget that elections come and go but Kenya will remain.We forget that peace is so precious and in its absence,violence prevails.A country that was strong and united gets divided along tribal lines.

Politicians,who are the major players in politics,incite their followers using the divide and rule tactics.Politicians use all tactics they have at their disposal to endear themselves to potential voters.They leave no stone unturned to ensure that they confuse,incite and entice potential voters.They remind voters how 'they' have made life difficult for 'us'.They go on and proclaim that it is 'our' time.They give potential voters empty promise and assure them that they will lead the citizens to the promised land.They literally promise them heaven on earth.What their supporters don't realize is the fact that their leaders don't mean what they say .It is just but political gimmick.Their supporters, convinced that their leaders are the best,declare war on their opposers. They turn against their friends and neighbours,steal and destroy their properties,injure,maim and even kill them.Friends turn into foes,peace is exchanged with violence.

Dear Kenyans,time

has come when we must change the way we conduct our politics and how we view elections,lest we perish.Elections are an opportunity we are given to elect our leaders and not an unhealthy competition of tribes.Tribes should be a reality and not a liability that retards all positive developments.Elections should be conducted fairly and peacefully.The loser should concede defeat and congratulate the winner.Past mistakes have cost us dearly and we cannot afford to go down that road again.It is simply a wrong turn.

We should remember there are consequences for our actions.We must tolerate the views and opinions of others.After all,it is their right.We must promote,maintain and guard peace at all times and at all costs.It is too precious to lose.Mahatma Gandhi once advised that we must put an end to war or war will end mankind.Fellow Kenyans,elections will come and go but Kenya will remain.Choose peace.

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