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Good fortune in form of creative ideas
Date Posted:
11/21/2012 11:29:42 AM
Posted By: Geekeijoe Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 453
errors instead of learning from them. By closing our mind we close out valuable knowledge that could prevent repetition of such errors in future.
The constantly angry or subconsciously resentful person is closed to prosperity as such emotions are dark clouds that hide his desired sunshine. Closed mind keeps one frightened, touchy, tense, impoverished and stunted but a fresh mind induces a fresh flow rewarding experiences. Self fulfillment is the choice we should take rather than ego-protection. You should always know that you cannot withdraw to a shell and enjoy the sea. The inner most conviction is that you really get what you give, you must be courageous enough to stand up and take a few blows to win a contest. A sensible sort of fellow who wants to get good things gives in kind. You must not remain dormant if at all you need prosperity and fortune to come your way. You will need to be willing to give in to what may in return earn you something, our ideas should not be overlooked or feared instead we should work towards seeing them prosper thus our fortunes would ripe with no time. You really need to be useful.
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