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The creative curiosity
Date Posted:
11/23/2012 4:56:39 AM
Posted By: Geekeijoe Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 453
creative curiosity will change everything in your life. As a matter of fact, you will with no time have learned a lot of useful and solid info to help you in some way.
Always approach a challenging problem or program as if you had no ideas at all towards it. This will free you from old fashioned out of date thinking patterns. Whenever you are trying to create something original, be suspicious of ideas that come too quickly or that seem familiar. Feed your ideas with defense mechanism against challenges and problems. Experiment with each new idea until you can form some kind of definite conclusion about it; curious experimentation proves profitable. Creative curiosity releases a full flow of fresh ideas when we start from mental scratch. It goes all by itself i.e. creative; meaning it is creative in deed; then due to this creative wonderment you come to learn much more every time thus becoming productive ultimately.
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