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Discover how caution and boldness works in business
Date Posted:
11/23/2012 5:08:06 AM
Posted By: Geekeijoe Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 453
tied to total failure. It is in account of some fault or infirmity that you may not be able to discover but nevertheless which must exist.
Like causes produce like effects, so does a man who believes in luck falls. Believe me you, there is never a man who will wake up in the morning and find a purse full of gold in the streets and continue with the same trend day after day. Well. He may do so one day but as mere luck is considered, he is liable to lose it just as he found it. If a man adopts the proper methods to be successful, luck will not prevent him. If by any chance he does not succeed he will then need to study the real cause and work towards the future’s success being cautious of his later experience. Everybody should know his/her business, being cautious and bold, intelligent and honest and tirelessly working towards success in desirable environments. For sure with such characters along with experience, our businesses will be just fabulous. It is then that we will start singing songs of praise to our success. Respect and honor will then turn our way.
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