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What lies behind charity
Date Posted:
11/26/2012 1:53:21 PM
Posted By: Geekeijoe Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 453
life from the lady. If then one helped such many people, they would own their lives to their founders. It is then after receiving votes of thanks, praise, honor and blessings from as many people, that the charitable would know their value in the society.
The best kind of charity is to help those who are willing to help themselves. Promiscuous alms-giving without inquiring in to the worthiness of the applicant is bad in every sense. To search out and quietly assist those who are struggling for themselves; it is the kind that scattered and yet increased. It is a sad reality that some people don’t deserve charity as they less value it and would only neglect its content rather than make charity their benefactor. Some would win Good Samaritan only to pay them back with misery and regrets. You will then need to access those in need to see if they can utilize opportunities positively.
Again, don’t fall in to some ideas that some people practice; giving a prayer instead of a potato and a benediction instead of bread to the hungry. You will need to study the needy, narrate what they need most and then do so in the standing hierarchy as a hungry child will need food first before going to school.
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