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Effective use of pocket money at school
Date Posted:
11/27/2012 2:53:51 PM
Posted By: sashoo Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 382
per week. I do highly commend such schools for a job well done. Such schools have helped students avoid squandering money anyhow. Furthermore, the practice has helped students manage their money responsibly. If your school doesn’t support such options, you can look for a teacher whom you can trust with your money, keep it with them, and be withdrawing from them once on a consistent basis.
Moreover, choose your friends wisely. You could be having a friend who is a thief without realizing it. I stress again that you should choose your friends wisely. Of course, your friend will know where you keep your money in the hostel. Your friend will know if you keep it under your pillow, under your mattress, inside your shoes, socks etc. Now imagine if your friend would have a long hand—all of your money would vanish within a twinkle of an eye. Plus, you will not know if it was your friend who did it, because some of these thieves are really smart when it comes to denying. You had better watch out!
Last but not least, it would be fair if you asked your parents to give enough pocket money. In other words, they should not ‘under-pocket-money’ you, but some parents truly could be mean to their children. Let your parents know how much will be enough to sustain you. Let them know that you can’t survive without pocket money, either. Still, while I understand that not all parents may be MP''s, at least I know they could afford to give you enough money, but not 100/= for a single term honestly.
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