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Winning the interview game
Date Posted:
12/6/2012 3:31:53 AM
Posted By: sammu Membership Level: Bronze Total Points: 45
follow the interviewers lead, always being ready to discuss whatever topic he or she introduces,however do not drag it on, switch off whenever a signal to talk about the business of the job comes.
e) Be Ready For The Interviewers Questions.
Some questions come up again and again so plan for all these questions.Think carefully about these questions and practice giving answers to the same. These Are Some Of The Questions;
i)"Tell Me About Yourself"?
such a question seeks to see how organized you are. In such events, be ready to give a brief summary of your life and work experience, where you grew up, where your family resides, which schools did you attend, some of the jobs you have had and importantly what brings you to the new job?
ii)" What Are Your Strengths And Weaknesses?
on your stronger side, talk about being well-organized, a creative problem solver, a good team member, a quick learner and briefly account for how these strengths have served you in the past, notwithstanding your strengths, admit a flaw, may be reveal you are a workaholic.
iii) " Why Should We Hire You"?
You have to convince your employers that you are the right person for the job. remember to be bold enough and sell yourself! tell them that you have researched on that company and your skills match the companies needs very much.
iv) " Why Did You Quit Your Last Job?"
this, might seem a great opportunity to bad-mouth your former boss, how unappreciated they were.IT IS NOT.Say you left to seek greater responsibilities and or challenges.Do not be negative no matter how justified you may be about your former boss, such feelings might leave your interviewer with the assertion that you are hard to work with.
v) " Do You Have Any Questions?"
here, ask a question about specific issues about the job, again pointing out the fact that your skills match very well the companies needs, do not ask how much the company pays, or how much vacation is given, time for this shall come, today just demonstrate how good an employee you are.
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