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Embracing suffering in my life
Date Posted:
12/12/2012 8:14:04 AM
Posted By: warira Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 1095
they could help you identify the wrongs that you are not aware of. For instance most Kenyans are going through unwarranted suffering and after much soul searching it was pointed out that it is due to poor leadership. If Kenyans want to alleviate suffering they should not elect back inefficient and incompetent leaders as they are the source of the suffering.
The second method is letting things be, that is if you cannot pin point the source of the problem. This a difficult option most will agree. When you look at Job’s story in the Bible I tend to think that he was of this option. He did not try to run away from the suffering nor question God; instead he chose to endure it and continued to Serve God. For instance if you have lost someone dear to you, do not tire yourself in trying to find out why he/she had to die so soon or why you were deprived of that person. It is God who gives and it is God who takes away. No matter how hard you try you will never get the answers that you seek.
I have learnt that suffering as a negative factor which is supposed to bring out positive things from our lives. This will depend on how one will perceive and act on the situation. It can either destroy or build you . There are many people who have turned their negative situations to positive situations. Asunta Wagura is one person who has successfully done this; she has used her HIV status to uplift others by inspiring them and In living a happy life. Therefore I would say that suffering when accepted brings out our inner strengths that propel us to greater heights. In His word God tells us that He has good plans for us and not plans to harm us; it goes without saying that God will only make you suffer in preparation of the good things to come. At this point I have to say that not all suffering is from God, suffering is also from the Devil. The Devil will make you suffer so that you may lose faith in God and turn away from Him. Whenever you are under such situations it is important to pray as through prayer God is able to help us.
Suffering is inevitable and we should embrace it as part of our lives. Let suffering be your push factor in life but be careful in making your decisions.
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