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A transformed shopaholic
Date Posted:
12/18/2012 12:56:42 AM
Posted By: warira Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 1095
spending a lot of time in malls, supermarkets, markets buying stuff; or when you start overspending and buying things that you have no use for. If you are the kind of person who hits their favorite shop the moment they receive their pay check then you are a shopaholic. Shopping tops your priorities list such that you forget material obligations such as rent, school fees, mortgage etc. Being in possession of money gives one the urge to spend it all. It is no wonder that most shopaholics are neck deep in debt; luckily I have not fallen to this.
I am a bit embarrassed to say that most shopaholic are selfish people me being one of them. This is because they always want the best for themselves and want people to break their backs for them in getting the stuff. For instance I would insist to be given money even despite the fact that my parents were broke at the particular moment.
Additionally it leads to poor time management. A lot of time will be wasted in shopping malls hence having little time for your studies, work and other important duties. You will also spend a lot of time surfing the net looking for the best online bargains and deals. It also strains your relationships with those dear to you. Sometimes you will borrow money from them and fail to repay or you may not have time to be with them.
Old habits are hard to die but eventually they do. With discipline one can overcome any habit as I am told and as witnessed. There are few helpful tips that I would not mind to share:
First and fore most avoid walking around with a lot of money. Carry with you with the necessary money for use on that day that is to say your fare, lunch and a little extra for emergency purposes. When you have limited money you will not have the urge to spend. If you have an ATM card avoid walking around it as it tempts one to withdraw money to freely spend. If this is a problem have a trusted friend or relative keep the money for you.
Stay away from your favorite shops or avoid hanging around such places. Find new hobbies or schedule more time for other important stuff. For instance if you are a student you can be going to the library and read instead of going to shopping. When you keep yourself occupied you will have no time to waste in shopping. Have a particular time for shopping; say end month should be the only time you shop.
Create a budget for yourself. Set a particular amount for each item and it should be items that are of great importance. When your spending is based on a budget impulsive buying is avoided and you will not have unimportant stuff in your shopping basket. Additionally always carry with you a list when going for shopping.
Divert your money to useful projects. The money that you used to waste while shopping can be invested wisely. For instance you may use that money in advancing your talent by taking short inexpensive courses. You can also start a business that you have always wanted to do. During these processes you will acquire skills that will help you in becoming a wise shopper.
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