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Wisdom is everywhere calling, the choice is yours whether to obey or disregard
Date Posted:
1/13/2013 11:18:21 PM
Posted By: billgates Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 446
from someone, it is replaced by wisdom.
Therefore, it is not that those people who do foolish things lack wisdom. It is just that they have chosen to ignore the valued information that was given to them by older people. I know you may just be wondering about the case of Solomon the son of David. Yes, he was wise, in the sense that he could solve matters that were way beyond the ability of the people of his time, but one thing you must understand is this; his wisdom was God given, he asked about it and it was given to him. However, for you to acquire such wisdom, start by listening to what you are taught by people older than you, then everything will follow.
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